Canadian Coalition of Apostolic Leaders Regional Meeting

Date(s) - November 20, 2013
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Harvest City Church

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CCAL regional meeting will be addressed by three key apostolic leaders:

* John Alley, senior minister of Peace Christian Community in Rockhampton, Australia

* Mel Mullen, founder of Word of Life Church in Red Deer, Alberta

* George Johnson, senior pastor of Harvest City Church and leader of the CCAL

There will also be other speakers from across this region.

Lunch will be included (there will be a free will offering to cover it)

To register, email George Johnson at: [email protected]

Six Ways to know you are an
“Apostolic Leader”!
“Apostolic Leader” might seem to be a newfangled term but when carefully unpacked it can be seen to contain rich, biblical and familiar truth. It is best to describe this term rather than define it. Here goes:

You are an Apostolic Leader … if …

  1. You aim to fully train others for greatness in the Kingdom
  2. You seek to build up everybody around you
  3. You are excited about the unity of the faith
  4. You are passionate about knowing Jesus more
  5. You believe that people together can achieve perfection in Christ 
  6. You are motivated and obsessed with the fullness of Christ
Sounds familiar? Look no further than Ephesians 4:12-13 and you see it’s not what you are called but how you touch the lives of those around you. Agreed? Then you will feel at home with many others at our Coalition Meeting on the 20th.

See you  there,

Dave Carson



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