Use it or Lose it: An Exploration of Freedom of Expression

Date(s) - October 2, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Christ Covenant Church

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(Note: Registration is NOT mandatory to attend this event)

In recent years, the concept of freedom has become increasingly contentious, as Canadians grapple with its meaning and application. On one side, some advocate for absolute, unfettered freedom, pushing the boundaries to the extreme. On the other, some have distanced themselves from the idea altogether, feeling that freedom has been tainted, misused, or weaponized.

This tug-of-war has left many feeling that something is fundamentally wrong with how freedom is understood and practiced today.

Amid this cultural tension, the Bible offers a refreshing and grounded perspective, providing a framework that contrasts with these opposing camps. Instead of being pulled in different directions, biblical freedom is rooted in the reality of sin and evil, of truth, responsibility, and love for others. It’s a freedom that is both profound and practical.

This Fall Tour presentation will provide the biblical, philosophical, and historical basis of the freedom of expression. You’ll leave equipped for action and encouraged to use your freedom to speak the truth on topics of public justice.

Join Levi MinderhoudJohn Sikkema, and Jolene Devries in Langley, BC at Christ Covenant Church at 7:30 PM on October 2nd, 2024.

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