Martin Ester, Paul Bucci and Yuriko Ryan with CSCA Executive Director (and host) Arnold Sikkema at the AI and Christianity gathering. Herbert Tsang photo
“Divine Wisdom is superior to artificial intelligence,” Canadian AI technologist Joanna Ng told watchers of the American Scientific Affiliation AI and Christianity live webcast during the organization’s Winter Symposium this past weekend.
Rosalind Picard, founder and director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, was a featured speaker at the symposium along with Ng.
More than 500 people worldwide took part in the event, with many attending local watch parties across the United States and Canada.
At UBC, 45 people attended a livestream watch party co-hosted by the Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation (CSCA, the Canadian expression of American Scientific Affiliation) and the Society of Catholic Scientists.
Following the watch party, Vancouver area experts Paul Bucci, Martin Ester and Yuriko Ryan discussed the ramification to faith in our relationship to Artificial Intelligence (AI).
How Christians might relate to, use or avoid artificial intelligence is a topic of intense discussion both online and in many Christian circles. Some Christians have concerns about the potential of AI to become an idol, a concern that is underscored by the number of AI technologists who have spoken of “creating” or “making god” when referencing the advent of artificial general or super-intelligences (AGI or ASI respectively).
AGI refers to artificial intelligence that equals or surpasses human intelligence, while ASI refers to AI that far surpasses human intelligence. Experts estimate that we are currently seeing the advent of AGI.
Other concerned Christians stress AI’s potential to replace human work and creative capacity, thus removing the dignifying nature of work – one of the ways in which humanity is made in God’s image.
Still others have concerns around the potential of AI to become deceptive, whether on a limited or more biblical scale, sometimes referencing the false messiahs and false prophets that will perform great signs and wonders to deceive “even the elect,” found in Matthew 24:24.
The message of the AI and Christianity symposium was one of cautious optimism, focused on the superior nature of humanity as made in the image of God over any kind of AI, and thus our calling to exercise governance over it.

Joanna Ng, Rosalind Picard and moderator Derek Schuurman led the online presentation.
Joanna Ng emphasized that to be human is to be made in God’s image with a spirit, soul and body. The soul, she says, is comprised of the mind, will and emotions. Since AI is only able to replicate the human mind, will and emotions, it is therefore only capable of replicating the human soul. It has neither spirit nor human body, and is therefore inferior to full humanness.
“‘Divine’ is superior to ‘artificial.’ ‘Wisdom’ is superior to ‘intelligence,’” Ng explained. To be made in God’s image means to have access to divine wisdom, something AI will never have. Because of this, AI will not be an idol to worship. While it may give the impression of reasoning, it is not reasoning, she said.
Christian leaders can hold onto three truths when considering how to respond to the advent of AI, Ng says.
First, we should choose faith over fear and embrace our priestly role of governance over technology. “If the church is afraid of AI, who will guard the truth?” Ng asked.
Secondly, we need to be aware of the times we are in. “The evil one will milk this increase of knowledge to kill, steal and destroy,” she said. “It’s up to us to push for the right thing, to push for good use.”
Finally, we need to use AI with a grain of salt, understanding that it is both fallible and an attention stealer. “For the younger generation especially, AI can steal your attention and focus to live out your calling in life,” she cautioned.
Rosalind Picard underscored many of Ng’s words. As one of the pioneers in the field of affective computing (computing that influences emotion), she reminded listeners that AI is both incapable of feeling and also incapable of reading or knowing a user’s feelings. However, it is important to understand that leaders of AI companies intentionally “mislead to create fear” in order to “increase the valuation of their companies,” Picard added.
All technology can be used for good or for ill, and it’s up to us to ensure it is used ethically, she said. She emphasized that even with the assistance of AI, “it is people who create and discover.” She believes we need to learn to “more accurately word the roles of agency in how the news reports about AI.”
“The topic of AI is the best opening to share the gospel,” Picard added. “The discussion of AI goes back to what it means to be human.” Christians need to understand that their purpose of life cannot be replaced by a machine.
Speakers on the local panel also emphasized the unique human calling, our role as those responsible over creation and the need to insist on the unique aspects of what it means to be human that an artificial intelligence can never replace.
“It’s a fantasy to think that an LLM (large language model AI) will be able to feel the feelings we feel or think like we do,” Paul Bucci said.
Martin Ester echoed this, noting that while AI may “know” more than humans, it is incapable of “knowing” in an experiential way. “The Christian life is about experiential knowing,” he added.
Panelists agreed that in light of the increased capabilities of AI, we need to continue to exercise our uniquely human skills. “Do your own study, thinking, writing and critical thinking,” Bucci said. “Holistic caring has long been the Christian domain. Don’t worry [about being replaced by AI], but be aware.”
“Every profession has three components: intelligence, administration and human relationships,” Yuriko Ryan said. “AI will beat you in the first two, but in the third, it will not.”
Bucci is a local startup-founder, researcher and interaction designer who teaches software engineering and cognitive systems at UBC and Corpus Christi College. Ester is a computer scientist who teaches at the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University. Ryan is a bioethicist and gerontologist who is a contributing fellow at AI and Faith.
The American Scientific Affiliation is an international network of Christians in scientific fields, with 4,000 members worldwide.