Date(s) - February 20, 2024 - February 22, 2024
5:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Foothills Alliance Church
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I am looking forward to hosting the Advance Evangelists Summit at Foothills Alliance Church, in Calgary on February 20-22, 2024.
Please join me and bring your team and friends who have a heart for making Jesus known. Leaders and evangelists from across Canada will gather in Calgary to fan the flames of evangelism. If you are an evangelist join us. If you are a leader stirred to do the work of an evangelist come to Calgary. If you want to cultivate a culture of evangelism in your congregation you won’t want the miss the Summit. If you are an everyday Christian who wants to experience fresh fire to show and share the love of Jesus clear your calendar and register for a special time of encouragement and mutual sharpening in evangelism.
Whatever the evangelism expression- we all need fresh fire and inspiration! I am praying that this will be a rich time where the LORD is conspicuously and tangibly Present and fulfills his wonderful promise-“Come near to God and he will come near to you.” ( James 4:8)

Please plan to join me for a special time of encouragement and equipping. We will gather under the theme, “Fan the Flame.” Some of us are graced by God with the gift of evangelist – we do want to identify and encourage Canadian evangelists. In fact, we will be launching the Advance Canadian Evangelists Network as an expression of the Global Network of Evangelists. If you are an evangelist don’t miss out. But God’s crazy big dream remains the same: the whole Church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world and to all of Canada. Come to network, be inspired, equipped, make new friends and to receive fresh fire.
If you are an evangelist I pray that you will be encouraged to fan into flame the gift that God has graced with you and that you will steward, share, and declare the gospel with bold humility.
If you are a spiritual leader who does not self-identify as an evangelist, may you be encouraged to “do the work of an evangelist” and fan the flames of evangelism within your ministry sphere or congregation. If you are an everyday Christian I pray that you will be encouraged and ignited to make much of Jesus and show and share the love of Jesus with broken people in a broken world.
I look forward to seeing you in Calgary!
Yours for Jesus and the harvest.
Blessings on you!
Dr. Bill Hogg
National Director of Message Canada and Lead for Advance Canada