Monasticism: On Value of Work, by Abbot Alban Riley

Date(s) - March 26, 2025
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Catholic Pacific College

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Rt Revd Alban Riley osb (68) has been abbot of Westminster Abbey, Mission, B.C. since 2022. Born in Germany, he grew up in Kingston, ON, and obtained his B.A. (Hons) in History at Queen’s University. He entered the Abbey in 1979, being ordained priest in 1985. He studied at the Seminary of Christ the King and the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome, receiving a Licentiate in Sacramental Theology. Since that time he has been teaching at the Seminary and was at times sacristan, novice master, and subprior.

Abbot Alban Riley will present how work has always been important in the history of monasticism. St Benedict’s Rule for Monasteries gives us insights into the Christian value of work. These are made explicit by St John Paul II’s encyclical Laborem exercens (1981).

Please make sure to bring all your questions, enthusiasm, and a friend to enjoy the evening with you. See you there!


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