Anti-Poverty Fall Webinar Series

Date(s) - September 11, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Categories No Categories

Join us in September for a series of webinars focused on education around current issues and actions you can take in your community in preparation for the upcoming BC Provincial Election on October 19th, 2024.

On September 11th, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, we will be hearing about two initiatives First United is championing to urge the election candidates to incorporate crucial elements in their campaigns and potential time in office: i) support for accessible housing and vacancy control in BC, and ii) advocacy and action to ensure safe supply of drugs in BC to counter the public health crisis of toxic drug supply that results in an overwhelming morbidity and mortality burden for those in our communities exposed to contaminated drugs.

Join us to learn about the issues, and what you can do in your own community to advocate for safety, dignity, and life for all of our siblings in BC and beyond.

First United Initiatives

FIRST UNITED has been on the frontlines, serving the Downtown Eastside community for over 100 years. They are organizing a postcard writing campaign to mobilize communities across the province on housing and drug policy issues. Specifically, they’re calling for each party to adopt positions supportive of vacancy control and safe supply of drugs.

They will be sending congregations packages of postcards with additional instructions and resources in early September and ask that you invite your congregants to participate in signing these postcards. A digital pledge sheet is also available. They hope to have over 2,000 postcards returned from communities, and will send them to each party in early October.

Communities of faith have incredible power when they mobilize, and the United Church has a strong history of advocacy. FIRST UNITED hasn’t organized a campaign on this scale in a long time, and sincerely hope you’ll join them in this important action. Advocacy on these issues will help prevent homelessness and help to end the toxic drug overdose crisis. More information will be available on their website, and sent to your congregation in September.


You can register for this webinar here:–vrT8qHNXdTgckfcG1x0FOS0wlE_-v

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