Date(s) - October 22, 2015 - October 23, 2015
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Kwantlen Cultural Centre
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Bright New Day Reconciliation Circles
(BND) is an educational firm based in North Vancouver, British Columbia. We specialize in building relationships that contribute to the renewal underway as Aboriginal communities collaborate with other Canadians to achieve an atmosphere of reconciliation.
Bright New Day Reconciliation Circles are interactive, friendly experiences that motivate individuals and organizations to take ownership of their personal and collective responsibilities for reconciliation.
Bright New Day Reconciliation Circles bring Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people together to engage in dialogue that highlights our shared history and helps dismantle the walls of isolation that so often define our communities. The Bright New Day Circles encourage us all to revisit the founding of Canada – to go back to how it actually began, understand the history there, and find ways to move forward as equals in the manner first intended.
Small Group Discussion
Urban Aboriginal/Bright New Day Reconciliation Circle
Musqueam Community Centre, October 13-14, 2012
All those who participate in this historic dialogue should do so with a keen sense of purpose and a clear understanding that a great deal is at stake.
Bright New Day Reconciliation Circles are the mainstay of an innovative program begun by Chief Dr. Robert Joseph and John McCandless in 2009.
These two co-founded a unique process that they thought could break down longstanding walls of isolation and result in a series of reconciliation circles being enacted between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people throughout British Columbia.
Chief Dr. Robert Joseph is a Hereditary Chief of the Gwawaenuk First Nation. His life has been dedicated to bridging the differences brought about by intolerance, lack of understanding, and racism at home and abroad. He is a member of the National Assembly of First Nations Elder Council and Special Advisor to both Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Indian Residential School Resolutions Canada.
John McCandless has extensive experience with community engagement processes, drawing on over 30 years experience working directly with community organizations and First Nations in British Columbia. John has been instrumental in the organization of many collaborative meetings between First Nations and non-Aboriginal community leaders including the First Nations Futures luncheons, the Business at the Summit meetings, the Certainty After Delgamuukw Forums, the Stein Valley Festivals and the Bright New Day Reconciliation Circles.
Although Chief Joseph remains a constant source of inspiration and continues to help develop the Bright New Day program, demands are now such that he spends most of his time in retirement, and as an Ambassador for Reconciliation Canada. When time does allow, however, he plans to join us in our circles.