How to Host an Alzheimer Café, with Gemma Jones

Date(s) - April 11, 2018
9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Beulah Garden Homes

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An Alzheimer Café is a post – diagnostic, group support and dementia education intervention, for people with dementia, their family carers. An AC is held monthly by a steering group, professionals and volunteers. It is held in a (safe) café – like environment, intended to be ‘low – threshold’ – safe to enter and attend.

During this 2-day course, participants have the opportunity to become familiar with the Alzheimer Café model and see its developments since 1997. Participants will be able to learn about the philosophy of, the structure, themes, content, and methods of the original “Alzheimer Café model”, as developed by Dr. Bere Miesen.

Alzheimer Café facilitators need knowledge to be comfortable functioning as role models. This includes understanding the variety of attitudes that people have to dementia, the ‘illness concept/ image’ of dementia, and coping styles to having dementia. Become familiar with the range of responses to having dementia and caring for someone with dementia.

This course rests on the belief that people with dementia can be positively affected by their family, friends, and the health and social care professionals and volunteers present at Alzheimer Café’s. People are social creatures who benefit from being mutually involved with each other.

For more information or to register, contact CAREY via email at [email protected] or by phone at 604-225-5920.


Dr. Gemma Jones was the founder of the first Alzheimer Café (AC) in the UK, in Farnborough, borrowing from the example of Dr. Bere Miesen, who founded the first Alzheimer’s Café in the Netherlands in 1997. She developed a unique program for health-care professionals, family carers, caregivers and anyone involved with the provision of compassionate care. She authored many articles and books including Alzheimer’s Cafes and Why They Work and About Dementia for Families with Children. She taught week long training sessions extensively using a multi-sensory approach in the UK, Netherlands, and Canada and is a sought-after speaker at national and international conferences and forums.

Her web site is:

Dr. Jones is a graduate of UBC School of Nursing. In recognition of her outstanding contribution to Alzheimer care she was presented with the Award of Distinction by UBC School of Nursing in May 2016

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