Date(s) - February 8, 2017 - February 9, 2017
All Day
Westside Church (The Centre)
Categories No Categories
stirring worship, inspiring plenaries, opportunity to connect
Four Tracks:
1. The Disciple-Making Church
The call of the local church is the call to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). Perhaps no other local church has mastered the art of discipleship, neighbourhood small groups, and missional impact in their region than Real Life Ministries of Post Falls, Idaho. Jim Putman is the founding and lead pastor of a congregation that has grown to several thousand in weekend attendance, but whose greatest impact happens through their small group discipleship.
2. Multiplication Strategies
Historically the healthiest church plants have been “mother-daughter” plants where a healthy church family has raised-up, commissioned, and sent-out a core launch team alongside a qualified church planting couple. What a massive shift would happen in the Canadian spiritual landscape, if every existing church would become a church-planting church. Recent surveys however indicate that only 6% of congregations will ever “give birth” to a new church. In this track, you will meet with leaders of churches that have and are multiplying. Various models of planting will be explored, including mother-daughter plants, as well as various models of multi-site planting.
3. Declining or Renewing – Give Us Some Hope!
In looking over their congregations, many pastors have asked the question, “Can these bones live again…!?” (Ezekiel 37) There are 11,000 evangelical churches in Canada but the majority are either plateaued or in decline. This track will explore strategies for revitalization and renewal of existing churches. Only a renewed leader will be able to lead a renewed congregation; but beyond personal renewal dynamics, are there proven strategies for corporate renewal that actually work? This track will feature workshops by leaders with a proven track record: Ray Duerksen (Southland Church), Ed Stetzer (Wheaton College/Moody Church) & Mark Jobe (New Life Church, Chicago).