Date(s) - June 10, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Categories No Categories
‘Round the Kitchen Table is a free event and you will not be asked for a donation at the event. You will be taking part in an interactive activity A Walk in Refugees’ Shoes
As you put yourself in refugees’ shoes, you will also hear the story of a refugee claimant who had to flee, what she experienced in her leaving and then during her arrival to Canada. Together, we will see why it is so important for people to be welcomed, to become ‘like family’.
In break-out rooms you will interact with others who are gathered around their own kitchen tables.
This event is a way Journey Home is building further awareness and involvement. After the event, attendees can expect a call within two weeks so we can hear from you about what you thought of the experience and whether you could see themselves being part of welcoming refugees claimants into our community.