Tackling the Demand: Rethinking Deterrence and Protection Measures

Date(s) - July 22, 2024
10:00 am

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One of the priories of the Commission on Justice and Peace Sexual Exploitation Working Group is to educate, advocate and theologically reflect on the area of Sexual Exploitation and Demand Reduction. True justice requires reducing the demand. The demand for paid sexual services is what fuels sex trafficking. Minimize demand: minimize the need for vulnerable individuals to be exploited to meet the demand.

Donald Findlater, a renowned expert and the recently retired director of Stop It Now! and The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, will be our guest speaker. Upholding a perspective that continues to challenge our liberal society, the Foundation, founded by Baroness Lucy Faithfull OBE, is committed to protecting children from sexual abuse. It also engages with sexual offenders, recognizing this as a crucial approach to preventing child sexual abuse.

Register for the event here: https://forms.gle/TYaLr3aNDcFqw7qQ6

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