Who is My Neighbor, Abrahamic Dialogue During the Time of COVID

Date(s) - December 3, 2020
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Categories No Categories

So many are suffering at the hands of COVID-19, every day, all over the world. With this much suffering all around us, what does our faith call us to? Who is my neighbor?

This bi-national webinar will offer a unique opportunity for participants from across the world to engage with leading Christian, Muslim and Jewish thinkers on this theological question. Panelists will engage one another and the audience in dialogue on the implications of the answer to that question for people of faith in both the US and Iran.



Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad

Ayatollah Damad is the author of 27 published books and more than 50 academic journal articles on Islamic philosophy, law, theology and ethics. He is a leading contributor at global academic conferences and interfaith dialogue summits.

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Lynn Gottlieb

Rabbi Gottlieb was one of the first women to become a rabbi in Jewish history. She is a pioneer Jewish feminist, peace activist, writer, visual artist, ceremonialist, community educator and organizer and master storyteller. She has led two delegations to Iran.

The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane

Bishop Chane is the retired Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC and a leader in interreligious dialogue and Track 2 Diplomacy. He has travelled to Iran on seven occasions and spent time with multiple Iranian Presidents. He is also one of the few from the West to meet with Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


This webinar is sponsored by LUKE 10, a group of Catholic, Protestant, Historic Peace Church and Evangelical religious leaders who affirm our historic theological commitment to love God and neighbor even amidst pandemics and political complexity. The organizational name, LUKE 10, is a reference to the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan. In that parable Jesus makes clear that a neighbor is the person who, despite personal risk, reaches out across the religious and ethnic divide to help a person in need.

Luke 10 was formed to appeal to American Christians to show compassion to our Muslim neighbors during this time of the pandemic, beginning with Iranians. LUKE 10 works with Moms Against Poverty (MAP), a California based tax-exempt organization that is licensed to support COVID-19 relief in Iran through an Iranian civil society partner organization. LUKE 10 is committed to not only providing medical assistance to the most vulnerable of our Iranian neighbors, but also to building understanding between our peoples and our faith traditions.


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