Cultivating Transformative Reconciliation: The Canadian TRC Experience in Dialogue with the South African and Nordic Cases

Date(s) - September 21, 2022 - September 22, 2022
All Day

Epiphany Chapel, Vancouver School of Theology

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Translating reconciliation into social and political reality is vital to the TRC processes that have occurred or are occurring in South Africa, Canada and several Nordic countries. The conference is offering a new understandings of reconciliation as a transformative practice. September 21st, 2022 we will gather together to hear from respected leaders who have been walking the road of reconciliation specifically in Canada. Guest speakers from a variety of Indigenous nations will give instates that will help revitalize a theology on reconciliation, by offering new proposals in the intersections between pastoral, public, and political theology.

September 22nd, 2022, research exchange across South Africa, Canada and several Nordic countries is facilitated. The conference is the third conference of ReconTrans (Trading Justice for Peace? Reconciliation as a Transformative Concept in TRC Processes, 2019-2023). ReconTrans is an international comparative research project, coordinated by KUN/VID Specialized University (Tromsø, Norway) in collaboration with researchers from the University of the Western Cape (Cape Town, South Africa), Vancouver School of Theology (Vancouver, Canada), Umeå University (Umeå, Sweden) and University College Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden). Previous conferences were held in Cape Town, South Africa, in May 31, 2019 and in Tromsø, Norway, in October 29-30, 2019.

ISP Conference Program can be found here: ISP Conference Program

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