Paused & Present: Christmas, Curry and Capacity

Date(s) - November 28, 2016
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

The Bombay Banquet Hall

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We are women with capacity.


Did Mary know she had the capacity to carry a Messiah?

Did Mary know her arms would hold a Redeemer of the whole world?

Did Mary come close to grasping her capacity for suffering?

We are large, Walt Whitman reminded us. We contain multitudes.

But sometimes we forget.

Or sometimes, we see our containers with earth-shot eyes, not divine intent.

We need reminders. We need our sisters—our Elizabeths—to hold space for us, so we may become our full selves.

What worlds do we hold within us? What dreams? What hopes? What capacity do we have to forge peace and spread Love?

This Advent, we remember we are women who can hold the world in our hearts.

We will gather strength and joy and hope and honesty into our hearts as we listen to stories from our local sisterhood, and stories to remember we are part of a global sisterhood.

Stories for us to say, Me too.

O, yes. Me, too.

Stories to remind us, We are not alone. Stories to remind us we share some of the same struggles. Stories to remind us, This world, here and now is not all perfect yet.

And yet, we hold Hope. We expand our hearts.

We dare to believe in a Messiah, born to us.

Come, join us as we celebrate the capacity within each one of us to make this world more beautiful, even as we walk with dusty feet or tired hearts. Even when sisterhood disappoints, relationships fizzle or dreams fade.

What builds capacity in you? Capacity for joy? Capacity for hope? Capacity to make peace?

We will hear from six local voices, as well as a message from Idelette, who will be freshly back from her trip to Israel and Palestine.


A time for Honesty. and hope. A night for curry and community.

A night for preparing for Peace, in our very own hearts and from here, to our worlds.

“We long for great-souled people who can hold the chaos together within themselves–and give us the courage to do the same.” -Richard Rohr, What the Mystics Know

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