There are two good reasons to think Multiply right now: 1) C2C is changing its name to Multiply this month 2) Multiply Conference 2019 (run by C2C / Multiply) is less than a month away First the name change. Why change…
Two local Christian leaders have recently been featured in Christianity Today – both on the theme ‘Lifting High Evangelism Again.’ Ed Stetzer, who writes The Exchange blog for CT and is known locally for his participation in C2C’s Multiply Conferences, interviewed…
Friends and supporters joined Bill Chu recently at the Gingeri Restaurant in Richmond’s Lansdowne Centre to celebrate 30 years of activism with Canadians for Reconciliation Society (CFRS) – and his 70th birthday. Enjoying the multi-course meal with him were co-labourers…
December 2 is the first Sunday in Advent, and thus marks the beginning of the Christian year. And this is the 20th anniversary of the Christian Seasons Calendar, which opens with Advent. The ‘Salt of the Earth 2018-19’ Calendar is…
Pacific Theatre’s founding artistic director Ron Reed clearly has a lot of time for C.S. Lewis. Earlier this year he presented Tolkien, which focused on the relationship between the two great scholar/writers. Freud’s Last Session was a fictionalized encounter between…
Peter Biggs of The Light Magazine is researching one Metro Vancouver / Fraser Valley municipality each month, and producing a focus on each one. The October issue brought attention to the Downtown Eastside and a feature interview with Jacqueline Dewar, who has worked and lived in…
This week (October 7 – 13) is Homelessness Action Week, and no one can argue that Union Gospel Mission (UGM) is not doing its share. On Monday, volunteers served meals to more than 3,000 people. (See the Vancouver Sun’s article…
There are two events that I’m particularly going to regret missing while I’m away over the next month (see accompanying story): Into the Neighbourhood and Solitary Refinement: Into the Neighbourhood Into the Neighbourhood will be a two-day event (October 26…
Every fall the City of Vancouver “joins communities and organizations throughout the region to mark Homelessness Action Week” (October 7 – 13). And every year, in the West End, the Advocacy Office of St. Paul’s Anglican Church partners with First Baptist Church…
While some are Walking the Wall (see accompanying story about International China Concern) many others will be Riding for Refuge. Groups all over the Metro Vancouver area, and across Canada, will be on their bikes raising money for a variety…