The Roman Catholic Church has been steadfast in opposing MAiD, along with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and many other – but far from all – Christian groups. Here Paul Schratz, editor of The B.C. Catholic introduces a series about one of the most disturbing movements in our nation.
This article is re-posted by permission.
There’s a fascinating word that most people have never heard of called ‘genericide.’ It’s when a brand name becomes so common that it starts being used as a general term for a product.
Genericide perfectly describes what’s happening in Canada’s euthanasia crisis because genericide implies the death of a word, and in this case that word involves death.
Since 2016, the term MAiD, for medical assistance in dying, has come to replace the words and terms that truthfully describe what’s going on: euthanasia, assisted suicide . . . or, as one pro-life speaker in this week’s special coverage says, “a suicide question.”
Since 2016, 45,000 Canadians have died through legalized euthanasia, now reframed as MAiD.
The B.C. Catholic has reported on the expansion of euthanasia since its legalization, and now we’re taking an in-depth look at the impact it’s having on Canadian society and how it’s changing our views on life, disability, and palliative care.
B.C. Catholic staff, Canadian Catholic News writers and freelancers have contributed stories about the victims of euthanasia, the people working to help them and the efforts being made to stop this self-inflicted disaster. (Spoiler: it starts with prayer and fasting.)
The full series can be read below. [Click on the images.] Please share it far and wide.
To support pro-life organizations through the Archdiocese of Vancouver’s June 16 Pro-Life Collection, visit

Thank you for sharing this. As Archbishop Miller wrote in his message for Pro-Life Sunday, which we observe on Father’s Day, “We must take every opportunity to proclaim the sacred value of human life, by prayerful intercession, by witnessing to others and by supporting organizations whose goal it is to help those facing times of crisis.”