I was in a meeting recently when someone argued the Supreme Court’s decision to allow assisted suicide in certain circumstances was the “law of the land,” and we have no choice but to make it available. Actually there are several…
High-profile ethicist Dr. Margaret Somerville will be the guest speaker at the Christian Advocacy Society’s 25th annual Celebration Dinner at Bethany Baptist Church this Saturday (November 21). Karen Stiller of Faith Today magazine interviewed her earlier this year. Following is…
Having trouble deciding which way to vote? Many Christian groups have worked hard to provide guidance. They all agree that it’s good to vote, and are at pains to remain nonpartisan. Beyond that, they emphasize different issues, though there is…
A perfectly healthy 24 year old woman in Belgium will be killed by her doctors only because she has ‘suicidal thoughts.’ She does not suffer from any terminal disease or physical illness. While Nazi Germany pioneered legal euthanasia, Switzerland was…
The Supreme Court of Canada decided unanimously February 6 that doctors may lawfully help competent adults, who are grievously and irremediably ill, to end their lives. The court gave the federal and provincial governments 12 month to respond with legislation.…
The Supreme Court of Canada heard arguments October 15 on the constitutionality of the assisted suicide prohibition in the case of Lee Carter, et al v. Attorney General of Canada, et al. This challenge of the assisted suicide prohibition was…