I began this series on ‘Christianity: a missionary religion’ in the lead-up to Mission Fest, both to remind people it was coming and to offer some insights into our rich missionary history and some of the issues and prospects as…
On Palm Sunday morning, while I was speaking to my small group about the readiness of Jesus Christ to face His death (Mark 15), one of the older youths suddenly broke into tears. She then explained that that particular gospel…
Tim Dickau: Forming Christian Communities in a Secular Age: Recovering Humility and Hope (Tyndale Academic Press, 2021) Tim Dickau has written an important, wide-ranging book about what it means to be God’s people in this time of unraveling and ferment. The…
Forming any sort of abiding face to face community is becoming rarer in our culture. Robert Putnam’s classic study Bowling Alone charts the accelerating demise of participation in community groups and associations from the years 1960 – 2000.[1] There are multiple factors…