A Cross-Canada Day of Prayer for Hong Kong

Date(s) - March 21, 2021
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A day of prayer for the church, society, and people of Hong Kong | A Pan-Canadian Day of Prayer for Hong Kong | 橫跨 加 國 的 「香港 祈禱 日」

About this Event

WHAT: We invite churches to participate in this day of prayer to pray in their Sunday services for peace and justice to transform the church, society, and people of Hong Kong and to join others across Canada in an evening prayer gathering conducted virtually.

This is organized in part by the Canadian Council of Churches. The link below contains suggested intercessory prayers and promotional materials for churches to use on Sunday.


Canadian Churches and Christians are also invited to an online prayer meeting for Hong Kong the same day at 4pm Vancouver time. It’s a free event but registration is required via the link below. The service will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, Cantonese and Mandarin:


WHEN: March 21, 2021 | 4 – 5 pm, PST

Why devote a day of prayer to Hong Kong?

Canada and Canadians have deep ties with Hong Kong. We feel the pain and suffering and uncertainty many people in Hong Kong are experiencing now. The gospel calls us to grieve with those who grieve, to bear witness to the pain and needs of others, to show solidarity with and hospitality to the needy, and to lift up and attend to their spiritual needs.

Join with us in prayer for transformative peace and justice to touch the church, society, and people of Hong Kong. We pray for the prophetic witness of the Church in society. We pray for many in Hong Kong who struggle to understand what the future holds.

“But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.” (Psalms 9:18 NIV)

WHERE: The evening prayer gathering will be conducted virtually using Zoom. After registering for this event, you will receive confirmation emails with more information on how to join this event (please check your spam and trash folders for emails from Eventbrite). At the time of the gathering, participants may need to be simultaneously logged into Eventbrite for the Zoom link to work. Please contact [email protected] if you are having trouble logging into the gathering at the appropriate time.

WHO: This event is initiated by the Mustard Seeds Hong Kong Concern Group and organized in collaboration with The Canadian Council of Churches.

LANGUAGES: This event will be accessible in English, French, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

What is it about? We invite churches to participate in this day of prayer as part of their Sunday celebrations, and to pray for peace and justice in Hong Kong by joining with fellow worshipers from across Canada on an evening of virtually animated prayer.

WHEN: March 21, 2021, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST

Why devote a day of prayer in Hong Kong?

Canada and the Canadian people have close ties to Hong Kong. We share the pain, suffering and uncertainty that many people in Hong Kong are currently experiencing. The gospel calls us to mourn with those who mourn, to bear witness to the pain and needs of others, to show solidarity and hospitality to the unfortunate, and to alleviate their spiritual needs.

Join us in praying for transformative peace and justice to touch the church, society, and people of Hong Kong. We pray that the Church will give prophetic witness in society. We also pray for the many people in Hong Kong who are struggling to understand what the future holds.

“No, the poor will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor forever lost” (Psalm 9, 19 TOB)

WHERE: The evening of prayer will be hosted virtually on the Zoom platform. After registering for the event, you will receive confirmation emails and more information on how to participate in this event (please check your recycle bin and spam box for possible Eventbrite emails). At the time of the event, attendees may need to sign in to the Eventbrite page for the Zoom link to work. Please contact [email protected] if you have any difficulty accessing the meeting on time.

WHO: The event is an initiative of the “Mustard Seeds Hong Kong” collective and is organized jointly with the Canadian Council of Churches.

LANGUAGES: The event can be followed in English, French, Cantonese and Mandarin.

何事? (WHAT) : 我們 誠邀 各 教會 參與 這次 的 祈禱 日 : 在 主 日 崇拜 中 祈求 香港 能 得 享 和平 及 公 義 , 以致 教會 、 社會 及 民眾 能 得以 更新 ; 並 參加 晚上 舉行 的 加拿 及 公 義 , , 以致 、 社會 及 民眾 民眾 能 的 ; 並 參加 晚上 舉行 的 的 跨 加拿。

何時 : 2021 年 3 月 21 日 晚上 7-8 點 (加 東 時間)

為何 用 一天 來 專 為 香港 祈禱?

加拿大 這個 國家 及其 國民 , 與 香港 有 極 深厚 的 關係。 我們 可以 感受到 許多 香港人 現在 所 經歷 的 痛苦 及 創傷 , 以至 他們 所 面對 的 不 明朗 前景。 福音 的 真理 呼召 我們 : 與 與 哀哭的 人 同 哭 , 正視 人 的 痛苦 及 需要, 站在 受苦 群眾 的 一邊 , 伸出援手 來 接待 他們 , 且 要 重視 並 顧念 他們 屬靈 的 需要。

誠邀 閣下 與 我們 一同 為 香港 代禱 , 祈求 具 力量 的 和平 及 公 義 得以 臨到 香港 的 教會 、 社會 及 市民。 我們 為 教會 在 社會 中 的 先知 角色 祈求 , 並 為 許多 無法 看清 前 路 的 的人 代 求。

「窮 乏人 必 不 永久 被 忘 ; 困苦 人 的 指望 必 不 永遠 落空。」 (詩篇 9:18 ; 和合 本)

何處? :晚上 的 祈禱 會將 以 Zoom 視像 會議 方式 舉行。 在 登記 參加 祈禱 會 後 , 閣下 會 收到 確認 電郵 , 其 上 有 如何 登入 的 資訊 (請 檢查 垃圾 郵件 及 垃圾 檔案 夾 , 特別 特別 留意來自 Eventbrite 的 郵件)。 聚會 開始 時 , 參加 者 或 須 同時 登入 Eventbrite , Zoom 連結 才會 有效。 屆時 如 無法 登入 , 請 聯絡 : [email protected]

何 人?: 祈禱 會 由 芥菜 種 香港 關注 組 (Mustard Seeds Hong Kong Concern Group) 發起 , 並 與 The Canadian Council of Churches 合作 舉辦。

語言 :祈禱 會將 以 英語 、 法語 、 粵語 及 普通話 進行。


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