Feast and Fallow is a unique venture in a number of ways, not least for the kind of food it offers but also for where it has found a home. The co-hosts of Vegan Twosome (Diana Wu and Amir Aghelnejad)…
Creating Conversation is a weekly editorial, curated by the Centre for Missional Leadership (CML), which gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church in Vancouver. One of the goals of this weekly article is…
Many churches have closets full of unused music and sound equipment taking up space and, in some cases, waiting to hit the landfill. Gear for Good Causes came from Gerry Teichrob’s brainwave to accept the challenge to change that. And…
The Guardian posted an unusual article earlier this year. ‘Spiritual union: why Gulf migrants are flocking to evangelical Christianity’ offered a unique insight into just how unsuitable Qatar is as a host for the FIFA World Cup – and how…
John Horgan received quite a bit of positive comment last week, when he officially stepped down as Premier of British Columbia November 17. Horgan remained personally popular during his time in power. The bulk of the commentary I heard about…
Creating Conversation is a weekly editorial, curated by the Centre for Missional Leadership (CML), and gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church in Vancouver. One of the goals of this weekly article is…
A leading Christian think tank released The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada November 23. The 61-page Cardus report, written by Ray Pennings and Jenisa Los, builds on research carried out with the Angus Reid Institute since 2017. The substance…