The word sacred can sound a bit dusty and intimidating. Like an old cathedral with signs everywhere saying “do not touch” and “please be quiet.” We might call something sacred if it has been dedicated to a specific religious practice or…
The season five finale of Fargo packed a spiritual punch I was not expecting, with a dinner scene that invited everyone to a meal table that had overt eucharistic overtones and that invited everyone to take and eat and be…
I’m in love. I was fretful and anxious, but now I’m in love. The context for my emotional bi-polarity has been the Syrian refugee crisis. In my anxious phase I posted a great number of guilt-inducing refugee photos on Facebook.…
Our interim pastor recently used the analogy of dance for our relationship with God, and released a flood of stories from the congregation during the response time following the sermon. People expressed the trust, freedom, security and beauty in God…
Have you ever had an experience where one bit of information completely changed your life? That is how 2014 began for me. The first week of January we received a cascading amount of bad news in that our doctor had…