There are two good reasons to think Multiply right now: 1) C2C is changing its name to Multiply this month 2) Multiply Conference 2019 (run by C2C / Multiply) is less than a month away First the name change. Why change…
Every year, thousands of us put aside the last weekend of January for Missions Fest. Not this year. The annual event will be held at Canada Place, as usual – but one week earlier; Missions Fest 2019 will be held…
Kevin and Julia Garratt are back in the news. Two years ago they were featured in many Canadian media outlets when they were released by China following seven months (for her) and two years (for him) of imprisonment. The Christian couple…
Two local Christian leaders have recently been featured in Christianity Today – both on the theme ‘Lifting High Evangelism Again.’ Ed Stetzer, who writes The Exchange blog for CT and is known locally for his participation in C2C’s Multiply Conferences, interviewed…
Friends and supporters joined Bill Chu recently at the Gingeri Restaurant in Richmond’s Lansdowne Centre to celebrate 30 years of activism with Canadians for Reconciliation Society (CFRS) – and his 70th birthday. Enjoying the multi-course meal with him were co-labourers…
This is the third of four vignettes from the 40th anniversary trip Margaret and I took to Armenia, Georgia, Malta and England earlier this fall. We Canadians like to think of our nation as multicultural. A visit to Malta puts that…
December 2 is the first Sunday in Advent, and thus marks the beginning of the Christian year. And this is the 20th anniversary of the Christian Seasons Calendar, which opens with Advent. The ‘Salt of the Earth 2018-19’ Calendar is…
This is the second of four vignettes from the 40th anniversary trip Margaret and I took to Armenia, Georgia, Malta and England earlier this fall. Arriving in Tbilisi, Georgia at night was a magical experience. We were dropped off in…
Pacific Theatre’s founding artistic director Ron Reed clearly has a lot of time for C.S. Lewis. Earlier this year he presented Tolkien, which focused on the relationship between the two great scholar/writers. Freud’s Last Session was a fictionalized encounter between…
My wife Margaret and I just returned from a month-long trip. Over the next four weeks I will describe some of the sites, cultures and experiences which made a particularly strong impression upon us. For the most part – especially…