It is heartening to see the public concern over the demolition of a lovely church building near 41st and Cambie March 1 – though it is all too late to actually save the building. This was a March 5 tweet…
Regent College Chapel will be full to overflowing when renowned theologian Stanley Hauerwas comes to town later this month to deliver the 2018 Laing Lectures, Theological Existence Today: March 20: The Christian Message in the World Today March 21: The Christian Message and…
How can Christian communities provide meaningful, thoughtful and effective supports to those who struggle with mental illness? That is the question that Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries and Regent College have addressed in two series of workshops, one last year and another…
“Christianity faces a global crisis of persecution, as believers in many places around the world suffer harassment, marginalization and violence – in more countries and under more diverse settings than any other faith group.” That is the claim of Allen Hertzke,…
Kitsilano needs many more churches, but it will have one less when the sale of St. Mark’s Anglican Church goes through – or at least one less church building. While it is true that the churches can survive, even thrive, without…
“That’s one thing Inner Hope did for me; on their day off they would drive me to school, and it encouraged me to keep going to school.” Toni “A small thing that Inner Hope has done for me is pay for…
The Co:Here Housing Community has been dedicated, celebrated and blessed. The only thing left now is to wait for final approval for 34 residents to move in to the brand new building at the corner of 1st and Victoria in east…
Evangelicalism. Who’s in, who’s out, who wants out? Bloggers are having a field day. The movement is in the midst of an existential crisis (assuming evangelicals are allowed to have existential crises) precipitated by the fact that the great majority of…
In the world of movies, all the attention, superhero-wise, will be going to Black Panther this week, but Samson will be coming to several local theatres this Friday (February 16). The Old Testament strong man is featured in a movie…
Last spring, Archbishop Michael Miller of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver lamented the passage of Bill C-14 by the federal government. He said: Unfortunately, the “medical assistance in dying” [MAiD] legislation introduced in Parliament today sets Canada on the…