You might think the middle of a global pandemic is less than an ideal time to disrupt the operations of a hospice where palliative care patients receive comfort as they approach death. If so, you would not share the apparent…
John Hall has been planning significant changes for the annual Missions Fest conference for quite some time. Here he explains the name change – to Mission Central – but also how he and his team have adapted to the pandemic,…
Update: Dr. Bonnie Henry announced about 3:15 pm January 7 that the current restrictions regarding gatherings has been extended until February 5. Will our churches be able to host in-person gatherings and worship services again? We should have the answer…
Tucked away in a mini-mall slated for demolition on the boundary between Burnaby and Coquitlam is a thriving pulse of activity, ministry, community building, friendship and kingdom of God witness – the House of Omeed. The culmination of dreams, ideas,…
Has COVID-19 been a challenge or an opportunity? Our church has been challenged on many levels – but we have been reminded of our original call, to pursue the things God had sent us into our neighbourhood to do. Southside,…
Premier John Horgan, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix joined more than 200 faith leaders from around the province in a conference call Monday morning – and outlined a plan to engage more closely with…
My next weekly update will be early next year. Many of us have sung Brian Doerksen worship songs in our churches over the years. We sang one just last week as our church gathered online. So I have no doubt…
Christian Life Assembly is a big church, used to putting on big productions. This year, though, their Miracle on 56 Avenue has been reduced from a stage production to a drive-through experience. But the church is taking the vicissitudes of…
Dear fellow servants of the Lord Jesus: A couple of days ago, on two different occasions, trusted ministry partners shared with me that a significant portion of pastors in North America are discouraged, and even considering leaving pastoral ministry. I…
The number of Christmas concerts is way down this year, but several intrepid troupes are bucking the trend. Christmas Presence at Home Ron Reed, founder and now artistic director emeritus, of Pacific Theatre will host an event which has a…