Every year the Halloween machine seems to grow larger. Christians have taken a wide range of stances, from vehemently opposed to creatively engaged to uncritically accepting. This year, writers from two local churches – Redemption and Reality – wrote helpful…
Category: Culture
Farmers markets strengthen BC’s local food system
WeMakeStuff Volume II will profile another 100 local artists
June 16 – 22: Bobby McFerrin, The Fray, King’s Kaleidoscope, Lily & Madeleine…
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Legacy: Havens for those who love the old hymns
Social enterprises support orphanage in Kathmandu
Missions Fest: Spoken word artist has a passion for justice
A Christmas miscellany: Dorothy Sayers, Emily Carr, Richard of St. Victor . . .
Around Town: Ecumenical Advent, Woodward’s Creche, Christmas choices . . .
Hundreds of Christians from many denominations gathered at Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church in central Vancouver December 7 for an Ecumenical Advent Carol Service. Marjeta Bobnar, coordinator for ecumenical and interfaith relations for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver had offered…