Westside Church will welcome one of America’s best known theologians next week (April 24 – 25). John Piper will lead his Look at the Book Conference, which he says is “a new method of teaching the Bible.” Piper describes…
China and its people – past and present, inland and diaspora, Christian and otherwise – will be the focus of much activity at Fraserview Church in Richmond this weekend (April 17 and 18). The occasion will involve two major events…
Soohwan Park has visited the site of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan several times. Here she describes her most recent visit, over the Easter season. Check out Soohwan Park’s blog on Fukushima and the upcoming (May 7 – June…
A.D.: The Bible Continues premieres on CTV this Sunday (April 5) and – as with any movie featuring any kind of biblical theme – the best guide anywhere is our own (Surrey-dwelling) Peter Chattaway. He had a feature interview with…
Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom took part in Our Whole Society at UBC Robson Square late last month. Andrew Bennett ably explained his mandate to promote religious freedom in the face of “barbaric persecution” by ISIS/ISIL and in many other…
British Columbia residents are slightly more likely than fellow Canadians in other provinces to “reject religion,” according to a new and comprehensive public opinion poll from the Angus Reid Institute. And folk in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Maritimes are somewhat…
“Our neighbourhoods are in a continual state of change. God is sending the nations to our cities and as Christ-followers embedded in local churches we are, at times, overwhelmed in how to respond.” Dr. John Fuder will provide some guidance…