Amy Grant’s performance with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, originally set for the 7th, has been postponed to April 14. No word on why, but one writer on the VSO’s Facebook page hoped they would sell lots of ticket for the…
Last week Friday my wife and I were expecting guests for dinner so, while I was out running a few errands, I stopped at the local liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine. Working for a non-profit organization…
What makes good music? This is a highly subjective question to answer, especially in an age of iTunes, Noisetrade, Songza and countless other avenues we use to indulge our musical tastes. Quantity can definitely overshadow quality; marketability can mean as much or more than…
I was getting desperate. It was the last of four days at the Montreal Truth and Reconciliation Commission meetings (in April). Sorrow, despair, hope, anger, defeat, defiance and confusion washed over me like waves buffeting a message bottle destined for the…
While preparing to launch Christ City Church, a Mennonite Brethren church plant in south Vancouver, pastor Brett Landry received an offer he believes could only have come from the mind of God. He was told South Hill Church, a long-established MB church…
They’re the darlings of CBC Radio. Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk are still celebrating their recent (May 8) win over 4,500 other contestants in CBC Music’s Searchlight competition, and next month they’ll open for the likes of Tegan…
This year’s British Columbia Leadership Prayer Breakfast, set for next Friday (May 16) at Vancouver’s Hyatt Regency Hotel, is officially sold out; nearly 1,000 will be in attendance. But people wanting to hear and see Senator Romeo Dallaire – an…