A cloud of cynicism has settled over the Olympics – and this year the gloom is more palpable than ever (Russia about to be expelled over systematic doping practices, endless stories about Brazilian woes in pulling the Games together .…
A new book and a just-released study offer some fascinating insights into the positive role of religion in Toronto – and suggest some avenues for exploring the role and value of local congregations in Vancouver. Revisiting ‘Toronto the Good’ demonstrates…
If you’re not a regular at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival, this might be a good year to go (July 15 – 17). One headliner is Canadian icon Bruce Cockburn, whose music has sustained many Christians over the years. He…
Last Thursday (June 30) Grandview Calvary Baptist Church hosted a ground-breaking event for the Co:Here Housing Community project – a four-storey, affordable housing complex with 26 self-contained units. Following several short talks, participants walked one block east along 1st Avenue…
A couple of years ago, neighbours reacted vigorously against the city’s Grandview-Woodland Community Plan which, in their view, involved too little consultation and proposed too much density and too many high buildings, especially near the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station. After extensive…
‘Medical assistance in dying’ legislation (Bill C-14) was passed in haste, amid controversy, earlier this month. The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) has wasted no time in launching the first legal challenge, hoping to broaden the scope of the law…
“Religious intolerance of homosexuality led to mass murder in Orlando.” So ran the headline in the Vancouver Courier last week. Religion columnist Pat Johnson was describing anyone who believes in the traditional (scriptural) understanding of same-sex relationships. He was talking…
In Allan Twigg’s book Aboriginality, he tells of a meeting between three sovereigns – a king and two queens – that never happened. It was missed by inches. The year was 1939. The place, Vancouver. The occasion, England’s King George VI and Queen Elizabeth’s…
Three days were set aside for Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebrations in London last weekend (June 10 – 12). Vancouver is a long way away from the centre of activity, but Holy Trinity Anglican Church hosted a Garden Party and…
Combating Modern Day Slavery will be the topic Saturday morning (June 18) at Tenth Church. Matt Friedman and Sylvia Yu Friedman will make the presentation. Following is an excerpt from Matt Friedman’s new book, Where Were You?: A Profile of…