Brad Brisco will be in town next Thursday (October 13) to lead Missional Essentials: A Guide for Experiencing God’s Mission. The afternoon and evening sessions will take place at Southside Community Church in Surrey. Following is a comment from his…
A prominent British scientist will make a speaking tour of local universities October 31 – November 3. Covering topics from ‘Science, Religion and the Search for Wisdom’ to ‘A Modern Scientist in the Footsteps of Job,’ Dr. Tom McLeish will…
Mark Anderson will speak on Engaging the Muslim Scriptures this Sunday evening (September 25) at Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church in north Surrey. He is extremely well prepared for this task, having just completed The Qur’an in Context: A Christian Exploration…
A cloud of cynicism has settled over the Olympics – and this year the gloom is more palpable than ever (Russia about to be expelled over systematic doping practices, endless stories about Brazilian woes in pulling the Games together .…
A new book and a just-released study offer some fascinating insights into the positive role of religion in Toronto – and suggest some avenues for exploring the role and value of local congregations in Vancouver. Revisiting ‘Toronto the Good’ demonstrates…
A couple of months into retirement, I was asked to cover a maternity leave in a West Vancouver high school. It included what turned into the sweetest assignment ever – teaching three young men an International Baccalaureate Japanese course. These…
Paul Stevens is professor emeritus of marketplace theology and leadership at Regent College, and author of a number of books on the spirituality of work. Following is an excerpt from his new book Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of…
Ten years ago Craig Greenfield moved with his wife and kids from the slums of Phnom Penh in Cambodia to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). Then they moved back again. Not surprisingly, he’s got quite a story to tell. He gave…
John Smed and Justine Hwang of Prayer Current will lead a day of “evangelism training for prayerful mission” this Saturday (March 19) at Reality Church. The goal of Building Dynamic Prayer Friendships is to: Be equipped and begin praying to…
I have met many good Christian leaders throughout my career with Christian Info Society and Church for Vancouver, but I particularly looked forward to a call or meeting with Rob Des Cotes. I always felt welcome when I called, enlightened…