After arriving in Vancouver from Hong Kong in 1976, Marion landed her first job with The Chinese Community Library Services Association in Strathcona, the city’s oldest residential neighbourhood. Then she worked for 30 years as a social worker in Chinatown…
Category: Community
Welcome House will be a key focal point for immigrants and refugees
The Iron Chefs of the Downtown Eastside
June 16 – 22: Bobby McFerrin, The Fray, King’s Kaleidoscope, Lily & Madeleine…
June 2 – 8: Regent College lectures, Kairos, Gospel Music Festival . . .
May 26 – June 1: We Make Stuff 005, Lauren Mann, Poverty Revolution . . .
Reality Church’s new ‘Chapel’ has a varied history
Protestant churches explored ‘Unity not Uniformity, Diversity not Division’
Starting the new year with a month of Christian unity
Around Town: Ecumenical Advent, Woodward’s Creche, Christmas choices . . .
Hundreds of Christians from many denominations gathered at Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church in central Vancouver December 7 for an Ecumenical Advent Carol Service. Marjeta Bobnar, coordinator for ecumenical and interfaith relations for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver had offered…