On May 1, 1865, 150 years ago this month, the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Sapperton, was consecrated. In those days, the church was a small wooden building in a clearing in the great forest outside…
A law school that doesn’t exist yet has already been blacklisted by the law societies of Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia. Each had voted to bar its graduates from practicing law in their province. It’s not because the proposed…
A week from Saturday (May 23), The Inkwell Workshops will offer a rich day, full of opportunities to hone your writing and marketing skills. Workshop leaders include: Dr. Monika Hilder, associate professor of English at TWU and author of Surprised…
When International China Concern (ICC) began its work in 1993, disabled children in China had a bleak future. The great majority of the children left in orphanages would die there; babies often lay shoulder-to-shoulder with several others in small cribs;…
“Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, a cheerful, Toronto-born evangelical Christian, has become the hottest ticket in the highly polarized U.S. debate over climate change.” So said William Marsden in an April 24 story in the National Post. Hayhoe will be the…
A few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend at 4 am. Actually, it was a call from an acquaintance, but now I consider him a friend. He had not been able to sleep and was feeling overwhelmingly…
Two giants of the 20th century’s intellectual landscape will meet onstage at Pacific Theatre this weekend. The Vancouver theatre company describes Freud’s Last Session, which will run from April 24 – May 30, in this way: As air raid sirens…