“You’re free to go.” Beautiful words to the ears of a prisoner. Or are they? Freedom does, in fact, raise weighty questions for the newly released offender: Where will I go? How will I get money to live? Who will…
Wes Janzen has had a foot in two worlds for many years, shuttling back and forth between Langley and Ukraine. Here he has been a fixture at Trinity Western University for 33 years, as professor of music and director of…
Margaret Atwood will be the star attraction at A Rocha’s Green Gala this Thursday (May 22) at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. The story of how the acclaimed author got hooked up with the Christian environmental stewardship group is a good…
The Church from the Hollywood hopes to become the Church at the Hollywood – for the second time. For 15 months, ending November 30, 2013, the church worshipped in the old Hollywood Theatre. Then the owners, who had leased the…
“It’s the show that saved Pacific Theatre, that I thought would end Pacific Theatre.” Ron Reed, who has guided the theatre company for more than 30 years, said in a recent interview that Espresso pulled them back from the brink…
An inspirational evening with a young orchestra whose members play instruments recycled from their home – a garbage dump in Cateura, Paraguay. That’s the promise, and I’m hoping quite a few people will take a gamble with the Recycled Orchestra…
Trinity Western University (TWU) president Bob Kuhn says the ongoing opposition by many in the legal community to its planned law school makes him question how much freedom evangelical Christians really have to express their faith in public. Much of…