Ellen T. Charry, the Margaret W. Harmon Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, will deliver a series of three lectures on the topic ‘Christian Theology as a Guide for the Emotions’ on February 19 and 20 at Regent…
Ah, Missions Fest! Always one of my favourite times of year, not far behind Christmas and summer holidays. There are other missions conferences around the world – including several directly modelled on ours – but few if any rival the…
Dave Wells, the general superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, has attended every Olympic Games since 2002 as a chaplain and a leader of chaplains. But he doubts he will be going to the Winter Olympics February 7 – 23…
Bill Chu has been active for many years on a number of social justice issues – including opposition to gambling, support for aboriginal rights and stressing the importance of recognizing historic injustices to the Chinese community. Following are two current…
The Saint James Music Academy is a good news story set right in the centre of the Downtown Eastside. Every year its positive influence is recognized, celebrated and supported by musicians; this year Sing It Fwd takes place on Thursday…
It is now 53 years since a movement of western Canadian Chinese Christian students started a winter conference between Christmas and New Year’s. It was an opportunity for fellowship and community, as well as a chance to meet with and…
As you begin this reflection, I invite you to start by reading Revelation 12, the most forgotten Christmas passage in scripture. Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the magi were not the only ones to witness the newborn king. A dragon also saw…