Archives preserve memory and two very current actions are demonstrating that truth. The United Church of Canada recently paid $500,000 in compensation to Vancouver Japanese United Church for the loss of its property 66 years ago – and much of…
The following is excerpted by permission from Frank Stirk’s just-released – and long-awaited – book, Streams in the Negev: Stories of How God is Starting to Redeem Vancouver (Urban Loft). As soon as a search of the City of Vancouver…
40 Days for Life began yesterday in 377 cities around the world. Vancouver was one of them. What is it?: The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a focused, 40-day, non-stop, round-the-clock prayer vigil outside a single…
Let me get this straight. An “over-educated secular liberal” has written a new play in which a university-aged daughter has – to the consternation of a family not so different from his own – announced that she has become a…
Organizers of the Apologetics Conference next weekend (March 1 – 2) point out that apologetics “is not about apologizing,” but instead is about “giving an answer for the hope we have in Jesus Christ.” Several keynote speakers will make the…
James Grunau and Loren Balisky have created thriving communities locally (Journey Home and Kinbrace), which share housing – and lives – with refugee claimants. Last week they travelled to Ottawa to appear before the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration,…
When Michael Green passed away in Oxford February 6, he was honoured far and wide, particularly for his persistent focus on the importance of evangelism and apologetics, but also for his scholarship, his writing and his mentoring of generations of…
February is Black History Month, sponsored by the City of Vancouver. There will be a series of activities, but I will focus on two events of particular interest to the Christian community: Stayed on Freedom and the ‘Grand Reopening and…
Peter Biggs of The Light Magazine has written 16 ‘snapshots’ of Metro Vancouver / Fraser Valley municipalities over the past two years. This final one features Langley, Fort Langley and Aldergrove. The Township of Langley is bordered by Surrey at 196th Street and…
“How do we see healthy disciples of Jesus multiplied in our day? We want to see churches planted that are reproducing churches, creating a multiply movement, and we want to partner together as the body of Christ. The prayer of…