Easter Week April 8, 2020 Dear fellow British Columbians, As a group of Christian leaders we seek to join our voice in praise and thanksgiving for the care, kindness, and sacrifice of courageous frontline health care workers, social and food…
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Every night high-rise dwellers in Vancouver’s downtown core raise a cheer for health care and other frontline workers in the COVID-19 pandemic. The outpouring of goodwill is heartwarming, and illustrates just how widespread are the acts of kindness and the…
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Normally I write about upcoming events in ‘Around Town,’ but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most have been cancelled, postponed or moved online. Among them, just in the next week: Pacific Theatre: Best of Enemies GMA Week: Covenant Awards Praise…
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Vancouver Sun columnist Douglas Todd had Vancouver School of Theology professor Jason Byassee write a guest column October 29. Following is Todd’s introduction and Byassee’s column, which are re-posted by permission: Even though Santa Ono presides over a secular university,…
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Four years ago Jonathan Bird and I posted a series on the neighbourhoods of Vancouver. We are offering them again, with demographics from the latest national census and some other updates. We begin with a particularly historic area. Sunset is…
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Café Logos is the welcoming face of the Canadian Bible Society’s newly imagined Vancouver presence. And the Grand Opening this Saturday (March 30, 9 am – 6 pm) will have the centrally located site (1207 Kingsway, between Fraser and Knight)…
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Dr. Paul Chamberlain will host two ‘Fireside Apologetics’ events in the next couple of weeks which will address the topic ‘Why Do People Stop Believing and What Can We Do About It?’ The first will be at Trinity Western University…
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Over the past few decades, Christians have fought hard to protect vulnerable people in Canada, at the beginning and end of their lives – unfortunately without much success. We now have the most ‘liberal’ abortion law in the world (which…
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Peter Biggs of The Light Magazine has written 16 ‘snapshots’ of Metro Vancouver / Fraser Valley municipalities over the past two years. This final one features Langley, Fort Langley and Aldergrove. The Township of Langley is bordered by Surrey at 196th Street and…
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If you are looking to hire staff and would like a free link to your church or ministry jobs in the Metro Vancouver / Fraser Valley area, please contact us and we’ll add the link. I check all listings each…
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