Christian Life Assembly is a big church, used to putting on big productions. This year, though, their Miracle on 56 Avenue has been reduced from a stage production to a drive-through experience. But the church is taking the vicissitudes of…
The number of Christmas concerts is way down this year, but several intrepid troupes are bucking the trend. Christmas Presence at Home Ron Reed, founder and now artistic director emeritus, of Pacific Theatre will host an event which has a…
One can never have too many books (ask anyone who knows me), but even I have trouble keeping up with the professors at our local Christian colleges. And many of their books would make great Christmas gifts, especially if purchased…
The Liberal government is determined to criminalize conversion therapy, and has come very close to achieving its aim. In November, they received near unanimous support for Bill C-6 in Parliament. But major church bodies and other critics haven’t yet thrown in…
Lynda Steele said, “You know what, I love this,” while co-host Eric Chapman added, “Pastor, you’re giving me goosebumps . . . you make me want to go to church.” Those were the reactions of the co-hosts of The Lynda…
This is an awkward time to question the validity of public health orders which prevent faith groups from gathering, given the spike in COVID-19 cases. News of three churches opening their doors last Sunday has elicited much negative comment from…
An event initiated by Kinbrace, and co-hosted by Journey Home Community, the University of British Columbia and MOSAIC, will ask participants to consider ‘remapping the world we think we know.’ Here are some highlights of Refugees and Borders, which will…
BC’s Minister of Health Adrian Dix would like to be at his church’s Advent service this weekend, but that won’t be possible because his government has tightened restrictions on faith gatherings. When provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced new…
A virtual gathering on Saturday morning will ask the question, “What if the churches of the Lower Mainland could help to significantly reduce homelessness and provide affordable housing?” TIm Dickau organized The Church and Affordable Housing, November 28, 10 am…
A major study of the faith journeys of Canadian-Born Chinese Christians finds that many are falling away from the faith and suggests some ways to reach and mentor them. Commissioned by CCCOWE Canada (Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelization), Listening…