“It’s the show that saved Pacific Theatre, that I thought would end Pacific Theatre.” Ron Reed, who has guided the theatre company for more than 30 years, said in a recent interview that Espresso pulled them back from the brink…
An inspirational evening with a young orchestra whose members play instruments recycled from their home – a garbage dump in Cateura, Paraguay. That’s the promise, and I’m hoping quite a few people will take a gamble with the Recycled Orchestra…
Some of you may have received old ‘issues’ of Church for Vancouver over the last day or two. I do not know what caused that, but we are checking with our Service Provider. I’m sorry for any inconvenience or confusion,…
Tass Saada will speak at several events in the Metro Vancouver area this week, telling of his transformation from a Palestinian militant into a Christian who works for the good of both Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip.…
Apologetics Canada has stepped in at the right time to fill a need. Their fourth annual conference, March 7 – 8, drew about 2,000 people to two local churches – Willingdon in Burnaby and Northview in Abbotsford. There were people…
Most of us will be sticking pretty close to home – or the homes of family and close friends –over the next few days, and the relative lack of public events underlines that reality. Of course, almost every church in…
There are a few churches around Vancouver where you could turn up just about any evening in December and find a Christmas concert underway. St. Andrew’s-Wesley, Christ Church, Ryerson and a handful of others really open their doors for the…
Books are always a good bet for Christmas, so I’ll point you to the 2013 releases by Metro Vancouver Christians that I’m aware of. Without looking too hard, I’ve come up with at least 15 good books. Why not encourage…
Guitar genius Phil Keaggy is in town for two nights this week, and his concerts are well worth leaving the comforts of home for. And the ‘Boundaries for Today’ simulcast with Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend will be…
Rick Goossen has a lot invested in Entrepreneurial Leaders Organization (ELO). He has studied Christian entrepreneurs for more than 20 years, interviewing more than 300 of them and producing several Entrepreneurial Leaders books based on those interviews. Since 2005, he has organized…