There are several works of fiction, poetry and art among the 25 – 30 books released by Christian authors from the Metro Vancouver area this year. It is interesting to note that while the authors are local, the subject matter of…
By my reckoning, Christian authors in the Metro Vancouver area have published at least 25 books this year. I’ll look at some of the (broadly) Bible-related books this week, then over the next couple of weeks consider fiction/arts and what…
Burnaby author and photographer Marja Bergen has written a new book that she believes is unique in offering comfort and hope to people – and especially Christians – struggling with mood disorders and other mental health challenges. “You can give…
David Lyon is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada who serves as director of the Surveillance Studies Centre and professor of sociology and of law at Queen’s University in Ontario. He has been extensively involved in debates around…
Forge Canada will host A Day With the New Parish Authors next Monday evening (June 2). The following piece is an extract from The New Parish by Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight Friesen. For several years the three of…
In this so-called Information Age, we have more access to more data than ever before. Paradoxically, however, in the age of Photoshop and scams and phishing and the lot, we feel less and less able to trust any of that…
How to think, how to grieve, how to suffer . . . in this article I will look at several local books that fall, broadly, within the realm of ‘Christian living.’ In part one, I looked at Bible-related books, and…
Dr. Chung-Yan Joyce Chan (director of the North American Chinese Ministries Program at Carey) launched an exhibition and a book (Rediscover the Fading Memories) about ‘Early Chinese Canadian Christian History’ last fall. The exhibition is showing at Regent College until…
Books are always a good bet for Christmas, so I’ll point you to the 2013 releases by Metro Vancouver Christians that I’m aware of. Without looking too hard, I’ve come up with at least 15 good books. Why not encourage…
Daughters in the City tells the remarkable story of ‘Mennonite Maids in Vancouver, 1931 – 1961.’ Sitting elbow to elbow in every available space and stitching patterns onto small individual squares of pre-used cotton flour sacks, a group of young…