“Today after a long journey we finally welcomed our new Syrian neighbours to Canada! It was an honour to help reunite one of our neighbours with his family.” That post on the Canyon Heights Church Facebook page referred to the…
It was a dark and stormy night (December 12), and I was debating the wisdom of driving from East Van to the depths of Ladner – even for what seemed like a sure thing: Malcolm Guite and Friends. (I had…
Several actions, writings and gatherings illustrate a groundswell of local concern about environmental issues, and interest in the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris November 30 – December 11. The “meeting of all countries which want…
Canadian Memorial United Church is once again opening its doors on Sunday (November 8) to provide a unique Remembrance Day Sunday service, along with an open house providing public tours of its one-of-a-kind historic stained glass windows and Books of…
Churches and other public buildings may be necessary to house refugees in the short-term if Canada is to achieve its goal of bringing 25,000 refugees into the country. Chris Friesen, director of settlement services for Immigrant Services Society of BC…
Two visiting speakers and a new book co-authored by a local professor offer some valuable insights into the state of the church these days. Diana Butler Bass: Grounded hope Diana Butler Bass has been a favourite in mainline church…
At the polling booth this election Christ-followers can be guided by the biblical story, which unfolds Christ’s restoring purposes for the world. Christians are not directionless when it comes to politics, for we have a script to orientate us. Scripture…
Having trouble deciding which way to vote? Many Christian groups have worked hard to provide guidance. They all agree that it’s good to vote, and are at pains to remain nonpartisan. Beyond that, they emphasize different issues, though there is…
They say it “takes a village to raise a child,” but the law is clear in Canada that a child’s parents or guardians are the sole arbiters of who in the “village” may participate and what a villager can say…
Local Christians have already demonstrated in numerous ways how much they care about the turmoil in the Middle East and the resulting refugee crisis. Three upcoming events will allow churches and Christians to gain practical insights on how to support…