This weekly editorial gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church to respond to. We asked Anika Bauman (see accompanying article) to respond to this article, in part to model healthy conversation. One of…
Our weekly Creating Conversation editorial gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church to respond to. We asked Anika Bauman to respond to Mark Glanville’s accompanying comment (‘COVID-19, asylum seekers’ essential travel and…
This weekly editorial gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church to respond to. We asked Shadia Qubti (see accompanying article) to respond to this article, in part to model healthy conversation. One of…
Our weekly Creating Conversation editorial gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church to respond to. We asked Shadia Qubti to respond to Jonathan Bird’s accompanying comment, in part to model healthy conversation.…
‘Reducing emission to 50% by 2030’ ‘Net-zero by 2050’ ‘Leaders’ Summit on Climate’ In the last several months, the Canadian federal government has announced major legislative proposals on emission control and climate accountability, with new policies such as the increase…
“What goes on in North America is just a tiny fraction of what goes on in the refugee world.” James Grunau knows what he is talking about. He has spent many years welcoming refugee claimants to Metro Vancouver, while also…
This weekly editorial gives opportunity for people to speak about issues they believe are vital for the church to respond to. We will also ask someone – in this case Chris Sundby – to respond to the article, in part…
On the National Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism (May 10), Dr. Mark Glanville reflected on a scriptural response to the realities of racism in Vancouver and beyond. The horrific murder of six Asian women, a white woman and a…
Leaders from around the world have offered tributes since Ecuadorian theologian/pastor René Padilla died last week. Miroslav Volf (founder and director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture), for example, said, “René Padilla was one of the heroes of…
Earthkeepers has joined several other Christian groups which are urging the federal government to strengthen its stance in support of climate justice. Following is their ‘Open Letter for Bold Climate Action,’ addressed to North Vancouver MP Jonathan Wilkinson, who is…