Her image is iconic, her story dramatic – and she will be in the Vancouver area this weekend to help draw the attention of the local church to the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Sunday, November 9).…
Two of the Lower Mainland’s best known denominational ministry and service agencies are moving, in the next few weeks, into new facilities. The Vancouver Catholic Archdiocese and most of its social and faith-based services will move from 150 Robson Street,…
If you are care about Metro Vancouver, or urban issues, or how your church should relate to the city surrounding you – come to Tenth Church next Thursday afternoon (November 6) to participate in Tools for Neighbourhood and City Transformation.…
Simeon Garratt is hoping Prime Minister Stephen Harper will not cancel his trip to China next week, even if Harper feels he will have to cut the journey short to be back in Canada for Remembrance Day services November 11.…
Reprinted with permission from TheTyee.ca. Forty-eight of us are standing on the banks of the Fraser River at the Lytton ferry under a hot September sun. We’ve just been told that the bus we were supposed to take to the…
This is the kind of week that makes you realize just how deep and wide and vibrant the Church of Vancouver really is. As we survey a number – by no means all – of the events happening around Metro…
Ross Douthat is young (34), influential (a columnist for the New York Times), Roman Catholic and conservative. He should be ideal to deliver Regent College’s 2014 Laing Lectures. “I am an idiosyncratic conservative writing a column for a majority-liberal readership,”…