And I thought you couldn’t get Krispy Kreme donuts in Vancouver any more. Well, you can – or at least you could Sunday evening in front of Superstore at Grandview and Rupert. Pastor Jonathan Jeong and several other members…
On any given evening throughout the spring and early summer there have been soccer teams battling for supremacy in the BC Christian Soccer League. The regular season has just ended, and the playoffs are taking place in early July. …
The Argentine Revival influenced many Vancouverites during the last couple of decades of the 20th century. Many visited and even more attended local events featuring their evangelists. Among the leading figures was Hector Gimenez, pastor at that time of one…
The folks who put out We Make Stuff Volume 01 – featuring 100 local artists – late last year are still alive and kicking and hosting artistic events. ‘Loudmouths, Mavericks & Misfits’ will feature “Ten artists, ten minutes, ten bucks”…