It seems that May has become pro-life month, with the March for Life May 14, the Catholic Church’s National Week for Life and the Family May 11 – 17 and the Focus on Life gala dinner May 25. Here Brian…
What do creation care and evangelical Christian faith have in common? Quite a bit more than many have understood, if Chris Wright, international ministries director for Langham Partnership, is to be believed. Wright is in Vancouver this week for Holy Ground:…
“Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, a cheerful, Toronto-born evangelical Christian, has become the hottest ticket in the highly polarized U.S. debate over climate change.” So said William Marsden in an April 24 story in the National Post. Hayhoe will be the…
Westside Church will welcome one of America’s best known theologians next week (April 24 – 25). John Piper will lead his Look at the Book Conference, which he says is “a new method of teaching the Bible.” Piper describes…
Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom took part in Our Whole Society at UBC Robson Square late last month. Andrew Bennett ably explained his mandate to promote religious freedom in the face of “barbaric persecution” by ISIS/ISIL and in many other…
Life in the Neighbourhood is a day “geared to helping begin a movement of neighbourhood churches across the city.” Sponsored by Forge Canada and hosted by First United Mennonite Church, the April 11 event will feature four tracks: Neighbourhood Life…
British Columbia residents are slightly more likely than fellow Canadians in other provinces to “reject religion,” according to a new and comprehensive public opinion poll from the Angus Reid Institute. And folk in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Maritimes are somewhat…
A group of Canadian Muslim imams and scholars recently issued a fatwa against ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), saying that its violent ideology is a violation of Islamic practice. On behalf of 38 leaders, Syed Soharwardy presented the…
Participants from various religious, spiritual and secular backgrounds engaged in conversations in lecture theatres and corridors at UBC Robson Square, over a three-day period earlier this week. They focused on the interests of “bridging the religious-secular divide” and working for…
A group of local citizens has invited Pope Francis to visit Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside; now it’s just a matter of waiting to see whether he will come. The interfaith group which sent the pope a letter includes Roman Catholic, United,…