An inspirational evening with a young orchestra whose members play instruments recycled from their home – a garbage dump in Cateura, Paraguay. That’s the promise, and I’m hoping quite a few people will take a gamble with the Recycled Orchestra…
A funny thing happened on Sunday at church. I had been scheduled for a month to read the scriptures, and I felt a slight chill when I discovered the passage was John 12:1-11. This is the story of Mary anointing…
The Saint James Music Academy is a good news story set right in the centre of the Downtown Eastside. Every year its positive influence is recognized, celebrated and supported by musicians; this year Sing It Fwd takes place on Thursday…
Union Gospel Mission is joining First United Church this year to lead a Good Friday Stations of the Cross pilgrimage. Participants will come together in order to carry a cross to seven stations, each of which signifies a place of…
Several Vancouver-area women made a recent list of 100 fantastic Canadian Christian women leaders. They are Barbara Mutch, professor at Carey Theological College; Shaila Visser, CEO of Alpha Canada; Janis Ryder, executive director of human resources at Trinity Western University;…
This weekend, the amenities room of Union Gospel Mission’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) housing complex will be transformed into an art gallery. Taking part in Vancouver’s Eastside Culture Crawl, the gallery will feature works from UGM’s two flagship art programs, which…
When Union Gospel Mission approached artist and Emily Carr University Instructor, Jeanne Krabbendam, about donating art to hang in the alcohol and drug recovery program’s building, she knew she could do much more than that. Through her vision, an entire…