Frank Stirk has written a book that should be read by anyone who believes – or would like to believe – that the church can have a positive future in this city. He has carefully chronicled how the church is…
I suppose it’s normal for everyone involved in a highly charged political campaign to feel they’re being overlooked, that their unique offerings of wisdom are not being properly appreciated. So, I’m a little hesitant to make the case that social…
Social conservatives are not getting much of a look-in during this federal election – with Conservative leader Andrew Scheer reasserting his party’s determination not to re-open abortion or gay marriage issues – so I expect the Courageous Christianity Conference to…
“Evangelism is joining a conversation the Holy Spirit is already having,” says my friend, the theologian Darrell Johnson. His quote has changed the way I approach evangelism even after I’ve served nine years as national director of Alpha Canada. It…
“We want to democratize evangelism again.” Alpha Canada national director Shaila Visser and her team know as much about how to reach people for Christ as anyone in the nation. Alpha already has a very effective outreach, but their consultation…
Archbishop Melissa Skelton was not able to attend the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, which took place July 10 – 16 in Vancouver, due to health issues. But she responded July 17 with a Pastoral Letter stating…
Ships in the harbour, ships at dock. Every Vancouverite is accustomed to these sights. But very few of us get a glimpse into life aboard those ships, or to visit the docks, most of which are off-limits to the general…
Refugee rights are one of five main themes addressed by Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), “a national organization of members inspired by faith to act for justice in Canadian public policy. “Based in Ottawa, CPJ is a Christian voice for…
There’s a recent BC Human Rights Tribunal decision you should know about. It’s about gender, religion, politics and censorship. It’s noteworthy for how the Tribunal’s religious worldview is displayed and enforced. The decision is Whatcott v. Oger. You may have heard of…
The public school system is often seen as an unwelcome place for religious practices, and with good reason. The Vancouver School Board (VSB) reminds us in its Administrative Procedures Manual that “The School Act [Section 76] states that schools “must…