Bear Grylls is helping out with the Global Alpha Campaign which is gearing up this fall – which is why you will see him on billboards all over the city. Grylls is world renowned as an adventurer and media figure.…
Forty years ago I hitchhiked up to a farm west of Lusaka in Zambia. Three months later I left as a born again Christian. The farmers/missionaries introduced me to Christ in their home Bible studies and I made a profession…
As national director for Forge Canada and a seasoned missional leader, Cam Roxburgh knows that “within every movement there is a tendency to want to look for models to copy,” but that “copycatting” is not the answer. Nonetheless, he acknowledges…
A cloud of cynicism has settled over the Olympics – and this year the gloom is more palpable than ever (Russia about to be expelled over systematic doping practices, endless stories about Brazilian woes in pulling the Games together .…
Brian Harskamp wrote this comment July 4, pointing out some misconceptions in a recent column by CBC Radio (On the Coast) host Stephen Quinn. Dear Mr. Quinn, My name is Brian Harskamp and I am one of the kids who…
Several former members of the Trinity Western University (TWU) Spartans volleyball team look set to participate in Rio 2016 Olympic Games later this summer. Alumni Steven Marshall, Dan Jansen Van Doorn and Rudy Verhoeff are all members of the Canadian…
The Colour Collective is a group of artists overcoming disabilities through their artwork. In The View from Here, at Lookout Gallery, the artists “use landscape paintings to define and understand their world.” Painting instructor for the Colour Collective Deidre Blackmore…
‘Medical assistance in dying’ legislation (Bill C-14) was passed in haste, amid controversy, earlier this month. The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) has wasted no time in launching the first legal challenge, hoping to broaden the scope of the law…
“God, this is just too hard,” Brian Doerksen prayed. The award-winning singer/songwriter had just discovered that his year-old son, Isaiah, had fragile X syndrome, a genetic abnormality that causes severe learning disabilities. Worse yet, Isaiah’s older brother, Ben, had been…
The Welcome Centre is open, and it in turn has been welcomed by its closest neighbour, First Christian Reformed Church of Vancouver, on Victoria Drive at 10th Avenue, near the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain station. Operated by Immigrant Services Society of BC…