The Christian community in Metro Vancouver has already shown how ready it is to embrace refugees coming from the Middle East. In view of the Paris attacks, it is important to note that the welcome very much includes Muslims. Following…
The good news is that Tim Hughes, Christy Nockels and a raft of other talented worship leaders will gather in Vancouver next week. The bad news is that the event is already sold out. The Worship Central Conference will take…
“Today after a long journey we finally welcomed our new Syrian neighbours to Canada! It was an honour to help reunite one of our neighbours with his family.” That post on the Canyon Heights Church Facebook page referred to the…
It was a dark and stormy night (December 12), and I was debating the wisdom of driving from East Van to the depths of Ladner – even for what seemed like a sure thing: Malcolm Guite and Friends. (I had…
“The Vancouver Water Bash is an event where we mobilize our community in Vancouver to transform communities on the other side of the world.” So says ACTS executive director, Nate Lepp as he prepares for their second annual event, next…
Several actions, writings and gatherings illustrate a groundswell of local concern about environmental issues, and interest in the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris November 30 – December 11. The “meeting of all countries which want…
This must be one of the busiest seasons of the year, with a cornucopia of concerts, plays, conferences and other gatherings. I’ll run through a few highlights before looking back at a couple of significant events from the last week…
Jamie Taylor (James Hudson Taylor IV) was in town last weekend to help OMF Canada celebrate the 150th anniversary of James Hudson Taylor calling out to God on Brighton Beach for workers to help him take the gospel to the…
Churches and other public buildings may be necessary to house refugees in the short-term if Canada is to achieve its goal of bringing 25,000 refugees into the country. Chris Friesen, director of settlement services for Immigrant Services Society of BC…
“This is a wonderful opportunity for the city and the church to work together.” So said moderator James Borkowski as he asked Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Roman Catholic Archbishop Michael Miller to address the Climate of Change symposium Wednesday…