The following is excerpted by permission from Frank Stirk’s just-released – and long-awaited – book, Streams in the Negev: Stories of How God is Starting to Redeem Vancouver (Urban Loft). As soon as a search of the City of Vancouver…
The horrifying killing of 50 Muslims at prayer in two Christchurch mosques is anything but an ‘Around Town’ story, of course. But the response has, rightly, been worldwide, and there are things we can and should do locally. Some in…
If you have a plan for your neighbourhood, or just a desire to see your neighbourhood prosper, the Vancouver Foundation wants to help. Barry Jung of Parish Collective Vancouver – which “identifies, connects and resources followers of Jesus to grow the fabric…
40 Days for Life began yesterday in 377 cities around the world. Vancouver was one of them. What is it?: The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a focused, 40-day, non-stop, round-the-clock prayer vigil outside a single…
In May 2017 Peter Biggs embarked on a major survey of Christianity in each of the municipalities from West Vancouver to Chilliwack. These ‘Snapshots of Faith’ were published first in The Light Magazine and have been re-posted on Church for Vancouver. Following is the second…
Let me get this straight. An “over-educated secular liberal” has written a new play in which a university-aged daughter has – to the consternation of a family not so different from his own – announced that she has become a…
Living in Vancouver for the past 33 years, I have witnessed a steady shift towards secularism and fragmented approaches to life[i]. While church attendance has decreased during those three decades[ii], the conditions of belief have also changed, as Charles Taylor…
Are you “in the leadership of a Christian church, community, network or other Christian organization in Vancouver?” In that case, Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart, Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall at UBC, would really appreciate it…
Yes, Nora Hendrix is Jimi Hendrix’s grandmother. But that’s not why the City of Vancouver announced February 1 that a new temporary modular housing development at 258 Union Street will be named after her. Hendrix was a key figure in the Hogan’s Alley…
In May 2017 Peter Biggs embarked on a major survey of Christianity in each of the municipalities from West Vancouver to Chilliwack. These ‘Snapshots of Faith’ were published first in The Light Magazine and have been re-posted on Church for…