Jamie Taylor (James Hudson Taylor IV) was in town last weekend to help OMF Canada celebrate the 150th anniversary of James Hudson Taylor calling out to God on Brighton Beach for workers to help him take the gospel to the…
They say it “takes a village to raise a child,” but the law is clear in Canada that a child’s parents or guardians are the sole arbiters of who in the “village” may participate and what a villager can say…
Sunset is one of the most ethnically mixed of Vancouver neighbourhoods. Many Germans lived in the area following the Second World War and it has been a Sikh (Punjabi) enclave more recently. The Sunset neighbourhood covers everything south of 41st…
“This is a wonderful opportunity for the city and the church to work together.” So said moderator James Borkowski as he asked Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Roman Catholic Archbishop Michael Miller to address the Climate of Change symposium Wednesday…
Kensington-Cedar Cottage consists of two historical neighbourhoods – Kensington and Cedar Cottage, which are south and north of Kingsway respectively. It sits in the centre of east Vancouver, offering stunning views of the city and the North Shore as one…
Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, you might want to come out and join fellow believers who are asking for God’s direction in the October 19 election. Two local churches will be home to prayer rallies this weekend. On…
Riley Park – which for decades has been a highly stable neighborhood of middle class immigrants – is being gentrified as home buyers and business owners look for houses and stores that are more affordable than on the west side…
Hastings-Sunrise is mostly residential, with a lively commercial strip along Hastings Street, but is probably best known as the home of the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). Historically a working class neighbourhood with a higher-than-average percentage of low income households, the…
Li Jianfeng, a former senior judge in China, has been granted political asylum in Canada in a coordinated effort by led by China Aid. He arrived in Vancouver on the evening of September 23. Li was imprisoned for more than…
Kitsilano is a lively and storied neighbourhood, stretching along the flat lowlands of English Bay and straddling the hill sloping down to Kits Beach – which was already a major summer camping destination for West End residents by the beginning…