By all accounts, the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference is a massive and overwhelming welter of events. Tens of thousands of people from all corners of the world are gathered (October 31 – November 12) at the massive Scottish Event…
Four local people affiliated with A Rocha Canada will be taking part in COP26. The giant international gathering will focus on climate change from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow. Expectations are high for the COP26 summit, which will…
More than 150 Christian Leaders of British Columbia have signed this Open Letter in response to racism in all its forms, especially as directed against Asian, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) in our Canadian communities. We grieve and…
March 29 update: Indoor in-person religious gatherings and worship services of any size are again prohibited. March 25 update: Dr. Bonnie Henry introduced a one-time variance on health restrictions March 25 to allow limited indoor gatherings for some religious holidays between…
A Trinity Western University professor has been named director of the North American branch of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF); the new branch will be based in Vancouver. A recent release from the IIRF tells the story: The…
Leading With Hope proved an apt name for an Alpha Canada webinar March 17 because it provided some encouraging insights about creative roles for churches and individual believers as we emerge from the pandemic. Many of those insights related to…
The urgency of dealing with climate change has been sidelined by COVID-19, but A Rocha has been active both locally and on the international scene to retain focus on issues related to our environment. A Rocha Canada is offering the…
To hope there is some sweeping solution at this point is a pipe dream. We should weep, be speechless and empathetic, for once. The collapse of the Kingdom of Judah at the brutal hands of Babylon is honestly footnoted: Surely…
Twenty-seven pastors and network leaders met on a Zoom prayer call March 24 to firm up plans for a Day of Prayer and Fasting Across Metro Vancouver tomorrow (Wednesday, March 25), and for every Wednesday thereafter until further notice. The…
During an interview with Forbes magazine, Gloria Nelund said, “The whole firm is really dedicated to creating and sponsoring funds that will prove to investors that they don’t have to give up investment returns to do good.” Nelund, who is…